Boyle County Genealogical & Historical Society, Inc.

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Short History

Boyle County, Kentucky, was formed in 1842 from the southern portion of Mercer County.  Mercer County had been formed in 1786 from a part of Lincoln County. Casey County was formed in 1806 from Lincoln County.  Lincoln County was one of the three original counties formed from Kentucky County, Virginia, in 1780.  The main migration route to Lincoln County was through the Cumberland Gap from Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Lincoln County Area -- Founded in 1780
(County Seat: Stanford)

Lincoln County Courthouse (Clerk’s Office)
102 E. Main St, Ste 3; 606-365-4570
Mon – Fri:  8-4 pm; Sat: 9-12 noon
Copies 25¢
Harvey Helm Memorial Library
301 Third St., Stanford; 606-365-7513
Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-5; Tues & Thurs: 9-6; Sat: 9-3
Copies 10¢ (Internet copies 20¢)

Mercer County Area -- Founded in 1786
(County Seat: Harrodsburg)

Harrodsburg/Mercer County – Research Library
Harrodsburg Historical Society
220 S. Chiles St.; 859-734-5985
Open Tues 10-4pm; Wed-Fri 1-4pm
Closed Thurs, Mon, and Sun, all holidays
If you are from out-of-town and need additional hours to do research, call Betsy Sale at 859-734-2673
Small fee charged to non-members, free for members

Mercer County Clerk’s Office
235 Main St. (Annex across from Courthouse)
Mon – Fri 8-4:30 pm; Closed Sat-Sun
Copies: 10¢ self help; 50¢ other

Mercer County Public Library
109 W. Lexington St; 859-734-3680
Mon-Thurs 9 –7:30 pm; Fri –Sat 9-5 pm; Sun 1-5pm

Casey County Area -- Founded in 1806
(County Seat: Liberty)

Casey County Public Library
238 Middleburg St; 606-787-9381
Mon – Wed, Fri 9 – 6 pm; Sat 9 – 3 pm
Closed Thurs, Sunday; Copies 15¢

Boyle County Area -- Founded in 1842
(County Seat: Danville

Boyle County Courthouse (Clerk’s Office)
321 W. Main St.; Danville 859-238-1110
Open Mon: 8:30-5pm; Tues-Fri: 8:30-4pm
Copies 25¢ self-help, 50¢ other
Boyle County Public Library 
307 W. Broadway, Danville, KY  859-236-8466
M& Thurs: 9-8 pm; Tues, Wed & Fri: 9-5:30 pm; Sat: 9-5 pm; Sun: 1-5 pm; copies 10¢
Doherty Library at Centre College
625 W. Walnut Street, Danville
1-800-423-6236 or 859-238-5272
M-Fri, 8:30 am –4:30pm
(Call ahead for appointment  if assistance needed)
Jones Surname Museum/Genealogical
Resources and Library

243 N. 3rd St; Danville, KY 40422
Daily 1-5pm or by appointment; free
Perryville Civil War Reference Area
Perryville Community Center,
Buell St. Perryville; 859-332-1862
Mon – Fri 9-5pm or By Appointment
Perryville Battlefield Museum
Battlefield Road, Perryville; 859-332-8631
Apr 1 - Oct 31, 9 – 5 pm seven days/ week
Winter hours: Wed-Sat: 10am-3pm
Forkland Lincoln Museum Resource Center
Contact: Wayne Thurman, Director
Boyle County Genealogical Association, Inc.
C/O Michael Denis, President

Additional Boyle County Contacts

Michael Denis, President

Carolyn Crabtree, Treasurer
2410 Chestnut Grove Road
Parksville, KY 40464

Shirley Sheperson
Forkland History Information
312 Venetian Way
Danville, KY 40422
Call: 859-936-2061

We recommend that you confirm all hours of operation


